Michelle Vincente

Carlos D.


Executive Paralegal

Michelle Vincente is an Executive Paralegal at Batarseh Pammer PLLC. Ms. Vincente has a wealth of knowledge and comprehensive experience in primarily matrimonial and family law and has worked at several boutique law firms on the island. Michelle holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from The University of Alabama and has furthered her education with a certification in paralegal studies from Hofstra University.

With an extensive background in several areas of law, Michelle has been instrumental in streamlining our firm’s operations.

Michelle’s leadership and expertise not only enhance the firm’s operational efficiency, but also contribute to our ability to deliver exceptional service to our clients. 

A blue letter B and P is on a white background. Batarseh Pammer PLLC icon.


At Batarseh Pammer PLLC, we understand the gravity of legal matters and the impact they can have on your life. With our team of experienced attorneys dedicated to providing personalized attention and vigorous representation, you can trust that your case will be handled with the utmost care and expertise.

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